New Organizations

Are you looking to start a NEW organization at CSU Stanislaus? Review the following steps below to find out how you can start a new organization on campus.

Registration will open November 1, 2022.

  • Registration Requirements

    • Only currently enrolled students of Stanislaus State may start student organizations. Organizations wishing to be recognized for the first time or who have been inactive on campus for more than one year must follow this process to gain recognition. New organizations must complete the recognition process between November 1st and the end of the Fall semester.
    • Previous to gaining recognition, an organization may not sponsor programs, seek funding in the name of the organization from ASI (or any other source) or conduct fundraising activities. Student Leadership & Development will assist student groups who are interested in becoming a recognized student organization with reservations for the Quad and meeting rooms to recruit members and hold information meetings.

    Three Officers

    • Identify who will be the President, Treasurer and Student Event Coordinator. These three officer positions are required in order to be a recognized student organization.


    • All student organizations are required to have a current organization profile and constitution on file with the Student Leadership & Development. A constitution is needed to govern your student organization. Student Leadership and Development has a sample constitution for students to use as a template or you can contact our SLD Orgs Intern at ( to assist you in forming your constitution.

    On Campus Advisor

    • Organizations are required to have a part/full-time faculty or professional staff member as an advisor. Selection of a particular person as advisor is the choice of the organization and is by mutual agreement of both parties. Faculty and staff often look forward to opportunities to work with students outside the traditional classroom and in areas of personal interests. A faculty or staff member who is a state employee working half-time or more for the University must agree to serve as an advisor to the organization. Employees of University Auxiliary Organizations are not permitted to serve as student organization advisors as regulated by The California Code of Regulations, Title 5, and Article 2.
  • Registration Steps

    To begin a new organization, complete the following steps in this order:

    Please note that steps 1-4 should be completed before registration opens on November 1st.

    Step 1

    • Identify at least five enrolled students who are interested in being members of the organization.

    Step 2

    • Identify a Stanislaus State faculty/staff member who is a state employee hired on a part or full-time basis to serve as an advisor to the organization.

    Step 3

    • Identify three of the five students to serve in the roles of President, Treasurer, and Student Event Coordinator.

    Step 4

    • Create a constitution following the Constitution Template or contact Student Leadership & Development's Student Organization Intern at (

    Step 5

    • The President, Treasurer, and Student Event Coordinator must complete the required officer training (subject to change with COVID policies and procedures). Advisors are asked to attend a first-time Advisor Orientation and are strongly encouraged to also attend the in-person Officer training and Advisor round table.
    • Advisors are asked to attend a first-time Advisor Orientation and are strongly encouraged to also attend the in-person Officer training and Advisor round table.

    Step 6

    • Each organization must complete the ASI Student Organization Administration Agreement Form.