Frequently Asked Questions

What is CKI?

Circle K International (CKI) is one of the largest student-lead community service organizations for college students, with there being over 13,000 members worldwide. Our local branch at Stan State is just one of over 600 CKI clubs across 20 different nations!

What if I'm busy and don't have a lot of time?

There are still plenty of ways to be involved with CKI! We compile lists of asynchronous service events that can be done at your own pace and time. In addition to service projects, we also believe in the importance of fostering bonds in our community, so we host socials and fundraisers that are great ways to socialize. Don't stress about making every meeting or event, but you are welcome whenever you can make it!

How do I join?

Interested and returning members can go through the Members Hub page on our website to join! All you need to do is click the link below to that page, follow us on WarriorLife, join our Discord, and follow us on Instagram! If you don't have Discord or Instagram, that's ok, just be sure to follow our WarriorLife page. Discord and Instagram are not required but are reccomended as a way to get fast updates!

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