Student Leadership & Development

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Student Leadership and Development (SLD) is committed to cultivating community and fostering engagement through co-curricular learning. Our core purpose is to orient students to the university; serve as a home base for Student Organizations and Fraternity/Sorority Life; provide leadership development opportunities; and promote student engagement and student growth. We know that encouraging student involvement, helping students build lifelong relationships, and developing leadership skills - are the keys to student success!

  • Our Vision

    Student Leadership and Development will foster a culture of purposeful student engagement and involvement that cultivates student co-curricular learning through intentional and inclusive programs, leadership experiences, and services that enhance the student experience and contribute to student success.

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  • Our Values

    Student Centered, Leadership, Community, Integrity, Growth

    • Student Centered: Students are at the core of our work, and therefore we lead all decisions and interactions to consider the individual and collective needs of students.

      Engagement: As the land-grant institution of New York, with our main campus within the ancestral homelands of the Cayuga Nation and a long history of national and international connections, we value engagement in our community, our state, and the broader world, learning about their needs and strengths, and applying the knowledge we create for the benefit of society.

      Leadership: We make every effort to be leaders in our campus community through our actions, service delivery, and dedication to students. As educators, in partnership with students and colleagues, we provide quality leadership opportunities that are challenging and rewarding. We are intentional in the design and delivery of engaging and empowering experiences, which foster the development of ethical, responsible, and collaborative leaders.

      Community: We are committed to creating a community that encourages and practices civility, compassion and care for others. We work together to create a sense of interconnectedness through relationships that uplift and respect the collective and individual Warrior. We believe that differences in people and diverse points-of-view are valuable, and that a truly caring community is one where each member feels welcomed, engaged, and celebrated. We embody this belief when we are inclusive of all people, we recognize our similarities, and we embrace our differences through mutual respect. We seek to cultivate an environment of awareness and understanding of diversity and multicultural issues, through our programs, words and behaviors, and will role-model advocacy and social justice in all our actions. We understand that how we work and provide services directly impacts the student experience. We therefore strive to work together to create connections and relationships that help us respond to the needs of our students.

      Integrity: We believe that we must uphold the highest standards and principles. Ethics and integrity are characterized by trust and respect for each other, collaborative decision-making, appropriate use of University resources, service to students, and the utilization of best practices within the field of student affairs and higher education.

      Growth: We serve as advocates for students while empowering them to assume responsibility for their own experiences. We challenge students to achieve their full potential, academically and personally, and support them in their endeavors to do so. We cultivate the learning and practicing of life skills and encourage students to strive for healthy balance in their lives. We teach students to effectively manage life transitions. We encourage students to be civically engaged with their surrounding communities. We expect students to think openly and globally. We assist students in developing leadership skills for life.

Events & Activities

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Leadership Program & RSO

Meeting new students with shared interest

P: (209) 667-3778

Student Leadership & Development
California State University Stanislaus
One University Circle
Turlock, California 95382

P: 2096673061

Student Leadership, Engagement, and Belonging

1 University Cir. SC 206
Turlock, Cali, 95382